About Us
If you stop believing in Santa, you get underwear
About Us
The New Mexico Rail RunNers is a non-profit club incorporated in New Mexico. It was established in February 1990 by a group of 10 N scale modelers living in the Albuquerque area. Initially four corner modules and a large yard were built as common club property. This was the framework to support the addition of additional club and individual modules.
Becoming a member:
Membership is open to all who may be interested. General membership meetings are held the 1st Saturday of each month at the clubhouse at 10:30 AM.
Our Objectives:
The purpose of the NMRR is to enjoy model railroading and to share our hobby with the public. We do this by displaying and operating our layout both at our club house and other events. We are available to display our layout at your location upon request.
Buzz Lenander